The PC is supposed to hold an Annual Parish Meeting in March but Covid rules don't permit that. Please see the notes below about curent PC activities and please ask any questions on the village Facebook group or contact PC members. We will hold a Zoom session on 15/03/2021 at 19:30 but would like to answer most questions before that as long Zoom meetings are not much fun for anyone - please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like to attend the Zoom.
Highways and Traffic Calming
- School Lane
- Traffic calming at the school. Highways have proposed a scheme that will provide the items listed below. Due to - the number of entrances along this section of road , the planning permission granted for a further 30 houses, water running down the road and parking at school times - there are very few options for how any traffic calming can be delivered and it has taken years of discussion to get these proposals.
The scheme will cost about £18,000 and we need to demonstrate that there is support from the village for these measures. The scheme will be paid for by money from the All Saints Development and from the parish precept. Please complete the survey to let us know if you support this plan. We have to commit to paying for the scheme before any detailed proposals will be drawn up by Highways - so there will be further consultation once the details are available. This scheme does not preclude further traffic calming elsewhere at a later date. Technically this would be an extension of the existing 20mph zone on Mill Rd.- 20 mph zone from the roundabout to the Village Inn
- Two buildouts (chicanes) between the roundabout and the school
- Two full width speed humps either side of the school
- Flashing 20mph signs during school hours
- Hedge at Village Inn is obstructing the pavement. VI owners have recently cut it back and have agreed to look at replacing the hedge with something that won’t obstruct the path.
- Traffic calming at the school. Highways have proposed a scheme that will provide the items listed below. Due to - the number of entrances along this section of road , the planning permission granted for a further 30 houses, water running down the road and parking at school times - there are very few options for how any traffic calming can be delivered and it has taken years of discussion to get these proposals.
- Continuation of Cycle path alongside Hethersett Lane
- It was hoped that this would be built whilst the road is currently closed but that has not happened. The PC will continue to press for this project to be completed
- It was hoped that this would be built whilst the road is currently closed but that has not happened. The PC will continue to press for this project to be completed
- Lorry Route & Burnthouse
- Highways have agreed to provide additional signage at the Watton Rd roundabout to deter HGVs from taking the Little Melton exit and to direct them towards the lorry route at Thickthorn.
- The PC has requested that the speed limit on Burnthouse and Little Melton Rd is lowered to 40mph as both these roads are being largly absorbed into the Hethersett Development. We have asked for the priority to be changed at the junction of Burnthouse and LM Rd and for 'gateway' to be created and for the 30mph limit to extend to the junction.
The PC is in frequent conversation with NCC Highways but their resources have been affected by funding cuts and Covid. We will continue to raise the following issues -
- Mill Rd
- West of Gibbs Close. The road drains via a pipe into the nearby ditch. Highways have agreed to dig out the ditch to improve the flow.
- East of Gibbs Close. The road drains into the allotment ditch and flooded on 23/12 when the ditch was unable to drain fast enough via the pipe that runs alongside GM Rd. The pipe is the responsibility of multiple landowners and cannot easily be improved. The PC has objected to a recent planning application that might add more water to this system.
- Great Melton Rd
- Near to the roundabout. Poor drainage to the underground pipe.
- Mid section. Some gullies were poorly dug out recently by the tractor mounted machines - completion by hand is needed.
- Junction with Rectory Lane. There are multiple culverts which are insufficient to take heavy rain. Highways are in discussion with landowners.
- School Lane
- Water running across the road (opposite The Manor) from the field to the north. Highways need to request action from the landowner.
- Bottom end of SL near to the A47 is frequently a lake. Highways need to clean out the drains there. The drains block frequently because of the debris swept down from all over the village by heavy rain.
- Green Lane
- Pond is near to overflowing. The water from the pond goes to the ditch alongside the dead end section of School Lane. The ditch needs to be improved so that water can flow freely. Highways have done some work and have requested further action from landowners.
Planning and Development
The Settlement Boundary for Little Melton is shown here
At a recent boundary review, the land in Hethersett that is north of the power pylons was transferred to Little Melton so the Settlement Boundary for Hetheresett is also relevant.
In recent years, planning inspectors have set aside the Settlement Boundary (because of a shortage in the wider area) and have approved large developments at Ringwood, Limes Close and All Saints Close. A further development of 30 houses on land to the south of School Lane has been approved but work has not been started due to Covid. The PC recognizes that at some point the Settlement Boundary will be reviewed but at present feels that the boundary should be respected and has objected to applications to build outside the boundary. The eastern part of LM lies within the A47 Landscape Protection zone which exists to keep an area of open countryside around Norwich.
Currently there are applications to build outside of the Settlement Boundary -
- 2021/0029 - Land North Of School Lane - Outline application for 6 dwellings
- 2021/0342 - Land North Of Westside, Burnthouse Lane - Proposed 2 new residential dwellings
- Play area
- Work is currently in progress to provide a Zip Wire to the north of the Tennis Court. A scooter ramp will be added once Covid restrictions are lifted.
Help Needed!
- Write content for the website.
- It would be good to continue to publish sections from the Little Melton book and to add content about the 20 years since the book was published.
- Communicate the large number of messages that are sent to the PC about free courses, health etc etc
- Help with all the PC activities - we are all volunteers and it takes a lot of time and effort!