The Village Show is where people exhibit the fruits and vegetables that they have grown and the things that they have created.

The show has been held every year since 1995 (except during the Covid pandemic) - past winners are listed at the links below.   

The 26th show will be held in 2024 on Saturday September 7th and is sponsored by 

The timetable is - 

  • 14:00 - Hall opens for viewing, teas and bar - 50p entrance (children free)
  • 15:30 - Pesentation of prizes, followed by auction of donated produce
  • 16:30 - Raffle drawn

You can bring your exhibits to the hall on - 

  • Friday 6th - 19:00 to 20:30
  • Saturday 7th - 08:30 to 10:30 - don't leave it till the last minute please!

Downloads (printed copies are avaialble at the shop) -

Previous Winners



Little Melton Parish Website